Getting to Know Dr. Leo Song Jie

Getting to Know Dr. Leo Song Jie 1

If you have visited T32 Dental Centre at Camden or Financial District recently, you may have noticed a new face at our clinic. He is none other than Dr. Leo Song Jie who joined us in 2021.

Read on to learn more about Dr. Leo.

1. Tell us more about yourself!

I am Dr. Leo Song Jie and I am one of the newest addition to the T32 group. I am a dental surgeon with an advance degree in Prosthodontics. I have currently been in dentistry for 10 years.

2. What made you decide to become a dentist?

Since young, I have always love to work with my hands. I always looked forward to art classes back in school and later found that I had a flair for working with small things. Dentistry was a serendipitous discovery. I am very thankful that I found a job that fits, and can develop, my interest.

3. What are some of your clinical interests?

I like to create things, which is why my clinical interest lies in prosthetics, for example dentures, crowns and implants. I enjoy the process of building back lost teeth and bring back the smile and youth to my patients.

4. How do you spend your time when you are not in the clinic?

I currently hold a part time teaching position in NUS. When I am not working, I like to stay active by regularly going out for runs and hikes. It helps me destress and clear my mind

Occasionally, I do some paintings to get in touch with my artistic side.

5. Aesthetic dentistry sounds fancy, what does it entail?

Most people think that the outcome of aesthetic dentistry is to have very white and straight teeth. But to me, Aesthetic dentistry involves making things invisible. It needs to look natural. The epitome of good aesthetic work is where the teeth looks nice, but the patient can’t figure out which one is real and which is fake. This point of perfection is what we strive for every time we come to work.

6. What advice would you provide to people who are keen to enhance their smiles?

Have a clear understanding about what is it about your smile that you want to change. Having a clear goal in mind allows the dentist to better cater our services to your need. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. You are the final judge as to whether you like your smile!

Make a Dental Appointment with Dr Leo